Security Cams capture the crime. Law Enforcement tries to capture the suspect.  Dobermans will stop it before it can happen

 Security Cameras capture the crime. Law Enforcement tries to capture the suspect.  Dobermans will stop it before it can happen!

Other than a staff of armed guards, there is no better "deterrent" to crime than an attentive and ferocious well trained guard dog!

   Throughout recorded history, the primary job of the domesticated dog has been to protect its owners and guard property. There are specific breeds that have been bred for possessing the unique characteristics required of a "True Guard Dog" and the European Doberman Pinscher is one of the best of these breeds due to their temperament, physical strength, courage, loyalty, and resistance to pain.

   On Caesar Milan's website (the Dog Whisperer), the Doberman is ranked #2, only behind the Bull Mastiff. It is pointed out however, that the Mastiff greatly lacks the agility and speed of the Doberman. 

   We do not currently train dogs at our location. We do however, direct our efforts toward conscientious breeding for some of the best quality traits of top International and National Bloodlines to assure our dogs are superb candidates for the job. It all starts with a well bred puppy from WC Dobermans.  Call or email for more information.

Western Colorado Dobermans
Grand Junction, Colorado  USA